How Free Roomgpt IO Works? Step-by-Step Guide πŸ› [Updated]

Free Roomgpt IO Works: RoomGPT is an AI-powered tool that allows you to redesign your room in seconds using different themes, colors, furniture, and layouts. You can take a photo of your existing room and upload it to Room GPT, generating various images of your room’s appearance under different styles.

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You can customize the generated images by changing the theme, color, furniture, and layout according to your preferences.

How does Roomgpt use AI to redesign your room?

Like Midjourney Roomgpt uses a deep learning model called ControlNet to generate realistic and diverse images of your room based on your input photo.

ControlNet is trained on a large dataset of real-world room images with different themes, colors, furniture, and layouts. It learns how to manipulate the appearance and arrangement of objects in the room while preserving the structure and perspective of the original photo.

Roomgpt also uses style transfer to apply different themes and colors to your room. Style transfer is a process of transferring the style of one image (such as a painting or a photo) to another (such as your room photo) while keeping the content of the original image intact.

For example, you can make your room look like a modern minimalist space or a cozy rustic cabin by applying different style images to your room photo.

What are the benefits of using Roomgpt?

Roomgpt is a useful tool for anyone who wants to remodel their room but lacks the time, money, or inspiration.

By using Free Roomgpt, you canπŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡

Save Time And Money
You don’t need to hire an interior designer or buy new furniture to change the look of your room. You can use Roomgpt to generate design ideas for free and see how they would look in your space before making any changes.

Explore Different Styles
You can experiment with different themes, colors, furniture, and layouts for your room without limitations. You can discover new styles that suit your personality and taste or mix and match different elements to create your unique style.

Have Fun And Be Creative
You can unleash your creativity and have fun with Roomgpt by trying different combinations and variations for your room. You can also share your generated images with your friends and family and get their feedback and suggestions.


How to use Roomgpt? πŸ›πŸ›

Using Roomgpt is easy and simple. You need to follow these steps:

Go to the Roomgpt website and click “Redesign your room.”


Upload a photo of your room that you want to redesign. Ensure the photo is clear, well-lit, and shows the whole room.

Room GPT Free IO

After Uploading Screen will be visible like this πŸ‘‡

Room GPT IO Free

After Uploading the Image in room GPT IO select the room type and Theme (up to 4) from the given options.

Free Room GPT IO RoomGPT

Wait for a few seconds while Roomgpt generates various images of your room with different themes, colors, furniture, and layouts.

Browse through the generated images and choose the one you like the most. You can also change the image’s theme, color, furniture, and layout by clicking on the icons at the bottom of the screen.

RoomGPT IO Free

Save or share your generated image with others.

How accurate and realistic are the generated images?

Roomgpt πŸ› tries to preserve the structure and perspective of your original photo. Still, it may also change some aspects of your room, such as the objects’ size, shape, position and orientation, lighting and shadows, wall and floor textures, and background.

These changes make the generated images more realistic and consistent with the chosen theme and style. However, they may also introduce some errors or inconsistencies that may affect the accuracy and realism of the generated images.

For example, Roomgpt may generate an image showing a pool in your apartment, a window where there is none, a fireplace that is too big for your room, or a sofa floating in the air.

These errors are due to the limitations of the deep learning model and the data it was trained on. Roomgpt has no semantic understanding of your room or its objects, so it cannot always guarantee that the generated images are physically plausible or logical.

Therefore, you should not rely on Room GPT to provide exact measurements or specifications of your room or its objects. You should not expect Roomgpt IO to generate images matching your preferences or taste.

Roomgpt helps you explore different design ideas for your room, but it is not a substitute for your creativity and judgment. You should always use Roomgpt as a starting point and customize the generated images according to your needs and preferences.

Future Plans and Features for Roomgpt?

Roomgpt is a constantly evolving tool that aims to provide the best possible service for its users. The developer of Roomgpt, Hassan El Mghari, has shared some of the future plans and features he is considering for Roomgpt.
Some of these are:

Themes & Styles
RoomGPT adds more themes and styles for different rooms and spaces, such as living rooms, kitchens, offices, gardens, etc.

Improving the quality
Team RoomGPT improves the generated images’ quality and realism using more advanced deep-learning models and techniques, such as GANs, StyleGANs, etc.

Multiple photos uploading at the same time
RoomGPT Allows users to upload multiple photos of their room and generate a 3D model of their space that they can view from different angles and perspectives.

Image Editing
Room GPT enables users to interact with the generated images by moving, rotating, resizing, deleting, or adding objects in their room.

E-commerce integrations
They are integrating with e-commerce platforms and websites that sell furniture and home decor items so that users can easily buy the products they see in the generated images.

Room GPT is creating a community platform where users can share their generated images, get feedback and suggestions from other users, and discover new design ideas and trends.

Best Practices For Taking A Good Photo Of Your Room

Roomgpt generated images quality and realism depend largely on the quality and clarity of the photo that you upload. That’s why it is important to follow some best practices for taking a good photo of your room for Roomgpt.

Here are some tips that can help you take a better photo of your room:

Use a Good Camera: You don’t need a professional camera to take a good photo of your room, but you should use a decent resolution, focus, and exposure camera.

Low Quality Pictures: Avoid using low-quality cameras or webcams that may produce blurry, grainy, or distorted images.

Use natural light: The best time to photograph your room is during the day when there is enough natural light. Natural light can make your room look brighter, more spacious, and more realistic.

Light Sources: Avoid using artificial light sources such as lamps, flashes, or candles that may create harsh shadows, glare, or color casts.

Clean and declutter your room: Before taking a photo of your room, make sure to clean and declutter your space.

Unnecessary Items: Remove any unnecessary or distracting items, such as clothes, papers, wires, etc., that may clutter your room or block the view of the objects. Also, tidy up your bed, sofa, table, etc., and arrange them neatly.

Choose a good angle and perspective: The angle and perspective of your photo can affect how your room looks in the generated images. Try to choose an angle and perspective that show the whole room or most of it. Avoid taking photos from too close or too far, too high or too low, or too tilted or skewed.

Also, avoid taking photos that show reflections, mirrors, or windows that may confuse the AI model.

Check the quality and size of your photo: After taking a photo of your room, check the quality and size of your photo before uploading it to Roomgpt.

Ensure your photo is clear, well-lit, and shows the whole room. Also, ensure your image is not too large or too small for Roomgpt to process. The recommended size for Roomgpt is 1024 x 768 pixels.

By following these πŸ‘†πŸ‘†πŸ‘† tips, you can take a good photo of your room for Roomgpt and get better results from the tool.

Final Thoughts

Roomgpt is an innovative tool that uses AI to help you redesign your room in seconds using different themes, colors, furniture, and layouts.

It is a great way to save time and money, explore different styles, have fun, and be creative with your room design. Try it out today and see how it can transform your space!

Remember that Roomgpt is not a magic tool that can transform your room into anything you want, but rather a tool that can help you explore different design ideas for your room based on your input photo.


How does Roomgpt work?

Roomgpt uses a deep learning model called ControlNet to generate realistic and diverse images of your room based on your input photo. It also uses style transfer to apply different themes and colors to your room.

Is Roomgpt free to use?

Yes, Roomgpt is free for anyone who wants to explore different design ideas for their room. However, a paid subscription option also offers additional features, such as faster and higher quality renders, no advertisements, premium support, and commercial usage of photos.

How can I use Roomgpt?

You can use Roomgpt by visiting its website and clicking “Redesign your room.” Then, you can upload a photo of your room that you want to redesign. Afterward, you can wait a few seconds while Roomgpt generates various images of your room with different themes, colors, furniture, and layouts. You can customize the rendered images by changing the music, paint, furniture, and design according to your preferences.

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